

We love happy, satisfied customers and believe that they are the best form of advertisement.

We’d like to reward you for supporting us. Simply recommended any of our services to your friends, family, colleagues or business associates, we’ll pay you a reward each month that they are a customer.

We dislike weaselly small print, but there are a few straight forward, and we believe, fair conditions:

  • There is no limit on the number of referrals you can make and earn rewards for.
  • The Reward is calculated at 10% of their new hosting plan excl GST (and if your friend upgrades to a higher plan, so does your reward), and will be earnt every month for as long as both of your accounts are active (yours and your friends/colleagues/associates)
  • Referral rewards will be credited against your account on a monthly basis, once their account has been paid (We invoice at the end of each period so as an example: Hosting services for January are invoiced at end of January, your friend pays on February 20th, we credit the reward to your account on your end of February invoice)
  • Alternatively rather than credited against your account, rewards can be accrued and paid out via bank transfer or cheque for any balance greater than $20.